Springvale House

Springvale House, also known as Springvale Farm, was located to the north of Saltcoats on what was originally the lands of Dykes. The lands were owned by the Mitchell family, and were eventually split three ways. One third, which included a house, was sold to John Jack in the late 18th century. Jack renovated the house and named it and the surrounding land Springvale.

Springvale House and Farm on an 1855 OS map.
Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland.

The house and farm stood for over a century, initially being passed to John’s granddaughter when he died. By the 1850s the house and land was owned by Hugh Baillie, who sold it to the Earl of Eglinton in 1854, but stayed on as tenant for many years. This was the advert for the sale as it appeared in local newspapers:



All and the whole, the lands and farm of Springvale, presently owned by Mr. Hugh Baillie, lying on both sides of the Upper or High Road, between Stevenston and Ardrossan, and to the north-east of the town of Saltcoats. The extent is upwards of 43 Imperial Acres, plan measure, and the free rental about £120, the public burdens being moderate. It is understood that the lands contain valuable minerals. They have a beautiful southern exposure, and lie with half a mile of the town of Ardrossan. A considerable portion of the lands is admirably adapted for Feuing purposes; and altogether, a more desirable small property, whether for investment or residence is seldom to be found on the market.

Further information may be obtained on application to John Smith, Writer, here, with whom offers may be lodged within one month of this date. He will show the title deeds and plan of the property; and Mr. Alexander Campbell, Vintner, Saltcoats, will point out the boundaries.

IRVINE, 11 JULY 1854.

From the Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald, 15th July 1854.

Much later, Hugh Baillie’s son in law Thomas Gilfillan lived in the house. On 11th November 1897 the house burned down. Gilfillan, the only person in the house at the time, managed to escape with only a few items of furniture.

Shortly after its destruction, plans began to build the new Ardrossan and Saltcoats Joint Hospital on the site of Springvale House.

Other than the name Springvale, which is still used by the Early Years Centre on the same site, nothing remains of Springvale House or Farm today.

From the Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald, 12th November 1897 (click to enlarge).

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